*Before registering, please ensure you have your payment receipt ready if you choose to pay by bank transfer. You will need to upload the receipt, clearly marked with your name, phone number, and hospital, in this registration form at the same time.
*Please deposit the exact amount into the following bank account of the conference secretariat:
Account Name: Uno Workshop Limited
Bank Name: The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited
Bank Address: 1 Queen's Road Central, HK
Bank Account No.: 023-818065-838
30 May 2025
Discounted registration applies for all individual HKICNA and Collaborating Societies members. A discount code issued from the respective society is required.
Discounted registration applies for minimum of 10 registrants paying by one payment.
31 May 2025
31 May 2025
Discounted registration applies for minimum of 10 registrants paying by one payment.
1 June 2025
1 June 2025
Discounted registration applies for minimum of 10 registrants paying by one payment.
50% discount from full registration fee for all full time nursing student with letter of verification from an authorised institution.